Tamin atiye salamat alborz Knowledge-based company (Atiye Specialized laboratory) , This laboratory has been set up as an active laboratory in the fields of veterinary diagnosis, environment, food and medicine, analysis of animal feed, poultry, aquatic animals, milk, honey and production and research company

Tamin atiye salamat alborz Knowledge-based company

18 06 2022

Atieh Veterinary Laboratory

Veterinary is the science of recognizing animal diseases, including common diseases between humans and animals with specific animal diseases, disease prevention, as well as the science of human and animal nutrition.

Atieh Laboratory is operating by using experienced and specialized staff with laboratory facilities and suitable physical space with a history of several years.

This laboratory has taken great strides in the fields of veterinary medicine, food medicine, environment, standards and agriculture.

The main activities of the company:

All microbial tests of water and milk

Perform antibiogram test

Performing microbiological tests of various foods

Detection of mastitis and abortion agents by classical and molecular methods

Search and identification of different species of pathogenic and fungal viruses by molecular method

Performing fungal tests

Diagnosis of bee-related diseases

Diagnosis of equine diseases

Diagnosis of pet diseases

Food analysis

Chemical and microbial quality control of all raw and processed products

Biochemistry, serology and hematology

Performing all hematology tests on pets, livestock and wildlife with a specialized veterinary cell counter device

Perform ELISA tests

Perform poultry tests

Performing tests with an autoanalyzer

Perform immunology tests

Measurement of antioxidants

A variety of protein purification methods

Performing molecular tests

Determining the nature of permitted and unauthorized tissues in protein products by molecular methods

Identification of transgenic foods

Identification of microbial, viral and fungal pathogens by molecular methods

Sex determination and diagnosis of ornamental bird diseases

Molecular genotype determination of polygyny genes in different breeds of sheep

Diagnosis of viral diseases of aquatic animals, bees, cattle, sheep and horses

Histology and pathology

Determining the nature of permitted and unauthorized tissues in the field of meat fraud

Pathological tests

Department of Chemistry

Ability to perform various tests in the field of evaluation of pharmaceutical residues in raw animal products and animal feed and poultry

Measurement of toxins and toxins in food and feed

Measurement of antibiotic residues

Perform al

l tests for decomposition of human feed and feed for livestock and poultry

Perform all tests of environmental samples and water and wastewater

Perform soil and fertilizer sample tests

Research Department

Advice by experienced experts in various fields of veterinary medicine (diagnosis-treatment) to respected farmers

Holding various training courses as a facilitator of training and retraining courses in veterinary medicine in cooperation with the Alborz Veterinary System Council

Advice on running a laboratory and training staff

Carrying out research in the fields of laboratory activities

Conducting experimental research projects

Activities in the field of neuroscience

Production department

Production of animal serums

Production of hand and surface disinfectant solutions

Defibrillated blood production

Production of laboratory ready-to-use culture media

Production of laboratory dyes and reagents

Production of disinfectant, antifungal and anti-chlorine solutions used in the field of ornamental fish breeding and aquarium

Production of sterile egg yolk emulsions for laboratory use

Educational sections


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