The Chief Justice of Fars announced the special support of the judicial system to knowledge-based companies during her visit to science-based companies in Science and Technology Park of the province.

Special support of the judicial system for knowledge-based companies

27 07 2022

On the sidelines of the visit of the Chief Justice and judicial officials of Fars to the science and technology park of the province, it was emphasized on the expansion of the physical space of the science and technology park and the support of the managers and executive officials of the province to the knowledge-based companies of this science park.

Hojjat-ul-Islam wal-Muslimeen Seyyed Kazem Mousavi, Chief Justice of Fars province, together with the judicial board of the province, visited the progress of Technology Tower and a number of knowledge-based companies of this scientific and manufacturing complex, and exchanged opinions with the managing director and scientific elites of knowledge-based companies regarding the way The production of products and the performance of companies as well as the way of presenting products informed the special support of the judicial system for knowledge-based companies.

The Supreme Representative of the Judiciary in Fars province, referring to the statements of the Supreme Leader, who said that "the authority and prestige of the country is in self-sufficiency", while expressing satisfaction with the entrepreneurs active in the field of production and knowledge-based companies in the science and technology park in terms of the production of products needed by the country. by these elites and talented youths, he demanded the use of some of these products in the judiciary and related institutions of the judiciary in the province.


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