One of these creative women, artist and craftsman is "Faeqa Askari", she learned native arts from her mother and she, who was an artist herself, lit the flame of love for art in her daughter. She has gone through many bitter and sweet memories and now everything She says is about his love for work and her tireless nature. She is a role model for young women and only thinks about smoothing their path.

Native art and craft in Hormozgan Province owes to creative and strong-willed women

20 06 2022

According to the public relations and international affairs report of Qeshm Persian Gulf Bio-Technology Park, Ms. Faiqa Askari, a creative and entrepreneurial woman in Hormozgan handicrafts sector and the promoter of the National Home Business Development Plan, said: My field of activity is handicrafts, which I have spent about 27 years of my life in this path. My mother was in charge of handicrafts in Bandarlange city, and I followed my mother's footsteps and my great interest in handicrafts. Handicrafts requires special people, many people are enthusiastic and fans of handicrafts, but they do not follow it as a job and economic activity because it is not economical.

In addition, this art and craft attracts people who are in love and interested, and therefore I have always looked at my work with love.

The leader of the national home business plan said: Our production workshop is located in the village of Blando, where we are active in the field of sewing beach and traditional clothes, as well as traditional embroidery and making rhinestones, and about 60 people are working directly and indirectly. In the field of mat weaving, we also operate in the field of training, production and supply. As an entrepreneur and executive, we work together with these people, and if there are no artisans and artists, I will never succeed on my own, and this cycle will stop moving.

These days, when it's the exhibition season, our orders and workload are extremely high, and all our efforts are to be able to have a productive presence. This year, we are present at Jahanbar Bandar Abbas Exhibition, Bandar Lange Exhibition and also in Isfahan on behalf of Bandar Abbas Creative City. Before the spread of Corona virus, we used to export to the countries of the Persian Gulf region, especially Oman, but the presence of this disease and being in special conditions prevented us from doing so.

The lady entrepreneur added: The handicrafts in which I am active include two sectors of traditional embroidery and mat weaving, which we are active in the field of training, production and supply. Her traditional day embroidery is divided into several branches, including; Glabton embroidery, kame embroidery, crocheting, zari weaving, waddu weaving, shak and khosbafi are divided.


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