The meeting of the agent of the Biotechnology Development Headquarters attached to the Presidential Vice President for Science and Technology was held with the presence of the officials of Qeshm Persian Gulf Biotechnology Park and managers of technological and knowledge-based companies located in that park

Mahmoud Darvishi Nakhel Ebrahimi, deputy for technology and support of Qeshm Persian Gulf Biotechnology Park, in a meeting with the agent of the Biotechnology Development Headquarters attached to Science and Technology Vice Presidency.

17 08 2022

According to the public relations and international affairs report of Qeshm Persian Gulf Biotechnology Park, Mahmoud Darvishi Nakhel Ebrahimi, deputy for technology and support of Qeshm Persian Gulf Biotechnology Park, was stated  the purpose of holding this meeting is to introduce technological needs in the field of biotechnology and to present the problems of companies located in the park in order to solve and quantify these needs by the agent of the Biotechnology Development Headquarters attached to the Vice President for Science and Technology and to facilitate the development process of new technologies.

In addition to stating the obstacles and problems of technology and knowledge-based companies based in the park, he said that the first step to realize the slogan of the year and develop the knowledge-based economy is to give importance to the previous year's slogan and remove production obstacles.

The acting representative of the biotechnological headquarters said: Identifying and supporting technological needs of each province is on agenda of the vice president for science and technology in line with the realization of slogan of the year, and added: Another goal of this headquarters is development of biotechnologies in order to achieve public welfare and support New technologies and achieving 3% of the global market of biological products.

He stated: The first step is to collect information and introduce knowledge-based companies, cores and startups of each province in order to examine the needs, challenges and technological capacities, support companies and increase productivity in the country. which is sent to the headquarters in this regard, will be examined and appropriate support will be given.

It should be mentioned that the managers of the technological and knowledge-based companies based in the park mentioned their activities and problems and it was decided that the technological plans related to biotechnology of the companies should be sent to the agent of the Biotechnology Development Headquarters for review.


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