Technology and Innovation deputy of the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology, said at the launch meeting of the first technology and innovation village of Shilat: This village will be established soon with the cooperation of the "Ministry of Science, Research and Technology" and "Agricultural Research, Education and Promotion Organization".

In the event of innovative entrepreneurship, knowledge-based and job creation in the field of fisheries, Dr. Khairuddin announced the launch of the first fishing technology and innovation village in Qeshm Persian Gulf Biotechnology Park/ The stability of the food security chain is one of the most important concerns of the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology

12 09 2022

Dr. Khair al-Din, Technology and Innovation deputy of the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology in the event of innovative entrepreneurship, knowledge-based and job creation in the field of fisheries, referring to the actions and programs of the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology in various fields with other ministries, including the Ministry of Agricultural Jihad, said: The issue of food security and food safety for members of the society is an issue that is being seriously carried out and operational with the cooperation of the Ministry of Agricultural Jihad and in the form of creating technology and innovation villages for agriculture, natural resources and food industries, and now with the launch of the technology and innovation village of fisheries. is becoming. In this regard, so far 5 technology and innovation villages for agriculture, natural resources and food industries have been launched, and we are trying to increase this number to 10 by the end of the year. Also, according to MOU between two ministries, in the near future we will witness the opening of the first fishing technology and innovation village in cooperation with Persian Gulf Biotechnology Park (Qeshm) and Agricultural Research, Education and Promotion Organization and this will continue to be important due to the geographical location of other provinces.

Technology and Innovation deputy of the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology referring to the levels of technology readiness, which includes from "idea" to "mass production", said: Entrepreneurship is the initial component of the value chain of technology levels, the first step of which will begin with culturalization. For this purpose, the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology has implemented the "National Entrepreneurship Promotion Plan" with the aim of creating culture, creating educational justice in the field of entrepreneurship education and promotion, and promoting entrepreneurial skills and capabilities among students.

Dr. Khair al-Din further emphasized: In addition to creating jobs, the entrepreneur must define new boundaries in her field of work and improve the standards of that field as well.

Referring to the implementation stages of this plan, Khairuddin said: In the first step of the national entrepreneurship promotion plan, we have targeted the education of about 30 thousand students. These students will participate in courses related to entrepreneurship and business events with a credit of one million Tomans each.

In the end, of Technology and Innovation Deputy Ministry of Science, Research and Technology, referring to the budget of 30 billion tomans for the implementation of the plan in universities, centers and technological units, added: the national plan to promote entrepreneurship will be implemented with provision of credit under the guidance of the Ministry of Science, Research and technology.


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