The student technological internship project aimed at developing creativity and innovation among students was implemented with the support of Qeshm Persian Gulf Biotechnology Park.

Implementation of the student technological internship project with the support of Qeshm Persian Gulf Biotechnology Park/ Promoting the culture of innovation and creativity among the students of Qeshm Island

23 05 2022

According to the public relations and international affairs report of Qeshm Persian Gulf Bio-Technology Park, one of the goals of this plan is to introduce students to the field of creativity and entrepreneurship, which will promote the innovative culture and creativity in Qeshm Island.

This project provides an opportunity for students to gain skills by attending companies based in the park and using laboratory facilities for free and acquainted with concepts related to technology, entrepreneurship and creativity.

Mohammad Sharif Ranjbar, the head of Qeshm Persian Gulf Bio-Technology Park, stated the purpose of implementing this project is to prepare students to enter the labor market and improve their skills and added: it is necessary to use the potential of students in order to train specialized and experienced personnel according to market needs, use the potential of students and improve their productivity.

It should be noted that a memorandum of understanding is in progress with the technical and professional center of Qeshm city, which will give the park the possibility to take more effective steps in this regard for the promotion of students in the near future.


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