The joint meeting of Qeshm Persian Gulf Biotechnology Park and Iranian Fisheries Sciences Research Institute with the presence of Dr. Mohammad Sharif Ranjbar, Qeshm Persian Gulf Biotechnology Park president, Dr Bahmani Iranian Fisheries Sciences Research Institute president, Dr. Mohammad Sedigh Mortazavi Persian Gulf and Oman Sea Ecology Research Center president, Dr Mansour Azad Qeshm Free Zone Fisheries Organization Manager and Other officials of the park and institute was held in the Park

Dr. Mohammad Sharif Ranjbar Qeshm Persian Gulf Biotechnology Park president, in a joint meeting with Iranian Fisheries Sciences Research Institute president/ The plan to create a Fishery Technology Village in the park in cooperation with Iranian Fisheries Sciences Research Institute dependent on ministry of agriculture jihad.

13 07 2022

According to the report of public relations and international affairs of Qeshm Persian Gulf Biotechnology Park, this meeting, which was held with the aim of examining joint cooperation solutions in the field of fisheries in line with the realization of the slogan of the year, Dr. Mohammad Sharif Ranjbar first introduced the activities, infrastructures and capacities available in the park and while pointing out that this park has very good potentials for carrying out marine life activities, he said: very active companies in the field of fisheries and aquatics, including Production of dried fish and shrimp, breeding of ornamental fish in water, production of Spf shrimp, algae breeding, etc. are located in this park.

He further emphasized: We will give priority to the plan to create a fishery technology village in Qeshm Persian Gulf Biotechnology Park in cooperation with Iranian Fisheries Sciences Research Institute to the Ministry of Agricultural Jihad with the aim of concentrating fisheries activities in one region.

Dr Bahmani Iranian Fisheries Sciences Research Institute president, considered the recent activities of the park very valuable and stated: Currently, 13 research centers and research institutes are working in the field of fisheries in the country, and this specialized park in the field of biotechnology while benefiting from The technical knowledge of these institutes researchers can provide the necessary conditions, facilities and incentives to cooperate and establish relationships with fisheries science-based companies or establish these researchers as a new technology and science-based company there in order to advance their great goals.

While welcoming the establishment of a fishing village in the park, the head of Iranian Fisheries Sciences Research Institute added: In line with the implementation of the memorandum of understanding between the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology and the Ministry of Agricultural Jihad, we intend to turn this park into a hub for fisheries knowledge-based activities in the south of the country. And fishing activities should be concentrated in this park.

It should be noted that among the other matters raised in this meeting, it is possible to compile and approve a comprehensive map of marine biotechnology with the cooperation of two groups, identify the problems and needs of technological and knowledge-based companies by the park and submit to the institute to prepare a proposal in the form of joint projects with the department. private, the commercialization of the institute's research achievements by the park and the participation and park support in holding the knowledge-based innovation events of the country's fisheries in order to accept the best ideas in the form of technology core.

In the end, infrastructures, projects under construction and technological knowledge-based companies located in the park were also visited.



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